Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Media s Influence On Social Media - 1433 Words

Participating in the creative world of media has been a tradition and a necessity for me since I was a young girl. Television channels like Nickelodeon, Disney, and MTV have become popular and innovative television channels that consistently develops creative and interactive ways to consume media messages. By watching broadcasting programs and television series, I learn something new or valuable that I can then impress upon to someone else. This connectivity and deeper understanding I have to television production and media have implanted my desire to pursue a profession Television and Entertainment Media industry. While other Millenials may view social media and television services as a way of relaxation or fantastical escape, I have†¦show more content†¦While I do enjoy live entertainment shows, award shows, and late night entertainment shows – I believe there is a cry for more media to talk about certain dispositions and purposeful events that can benefit and infor m a large audience. As a Communications major, I have taken specific courses to that highlight the shifts and obstacles for Media Businesses to interact and retain their audiences. My major relates to having a Television and Film career because as media becomes more digital, it is important to have knowledge of current and possible future media trends for that may affect or influence a media business to operate. Currently, I am taking a course called MSS 345: Media Audiences and Users. In this class, I learn about the motivations and gratifications about why people participate in online media outlets and view certain television genres. We look at different types of media theories that use qualitative and quantitative research to understand how audiences are interacting with media, and how media companies and news business are using statistical information to track and attract audiences to their media platforms. Specifically, I learn about the motivations, gratifications and uses about how people create, select, and interact with online and some traditional Communications channels. I have also taken Journalism related courses includingShow MoreRelatedThe Media s Influence On Social Media1588 Words   |  7 Pagesresult of media consumption. Social media is an ever-growing and fast developing means of communication in society, and with the vast amount of new technology constantly transforming on the market, the empowered consumer is just a click away from accessing almost anything. The internet itself has opened up a new spectrum and has trained us to expect to gain information on demand at any time and from anywhere. talk about facebook more a bit ---- This essay considers how empowered media audiencesRead MoreSocial Media s Influence On Education1119 Words   |  5 PagesSocial Media Through Time: Over 75% of all internet users use social media today. Eleven years ago, only 7% of American adults used social media sites. Social media is a type of online communication used to create, share, or exchange information available to anyone.Today, social media affects our lives in many ways; sometimes without us knowing. Social media sites affect education, society, relationships, advertising, job professions, etc. However, it’s not always for the best. Evolution of SocialRead MoreSocial Media s Influence On Society1710 Words   |  7 Pagesnew social issue began to surface. As the internet rapidly gained international popularity, new branches of it were created. Currently, Social media dominates the internet world. Merriam-Webster dictionary defines social media as,  ¨forms of electronic communication (as Web sites for social networking and microblogging) through which users create online communities to share information, ideas, personal messages, and other content (as videos)† ( The sudden rise of social media’sRead MoreFacebook s Influence On Social Media1035 Words   |  5 PagesStephen Han Dr. Christopher T. Nielson 11/24/14 Communicating Facebook Facebook has grown to be one of the biggest social media sites in the world. It connects people to society. Especially when in a long distance relationship with friends/family, Facebook allows us to continue to communicate. Although Facebook is very efficient, fast, and continues to update to make it fun and more easy to use, it will never become as open and natural as actual in-person communication. In-person communication allowsRead MoreSocial Media s Influence On Marketing914 Words   |  4 PagesDepending on the virtual assistant you hire, bookkeeping and accounting may be their forte. Marketing Help These days it is hard to underestimate the importance of marketing. Effective marketing is key to success, especially in real estate. But social media marketing, content marketing, and ad development and purchasing can all be very time consuming. †¢ Content Marketing o We all know that content is king. We also know, or at least should, that unless you are constantly posting new content to yourRead MoreSocial Media s Influence On Women1249 Words   |  5 Pages Throughout history women specifically have felt the need to change their physical appearance in order to be accepted by societies beauty ideal. Social media has influenced women to believe that the word â€Å"beauty† defines the outward appearance according to the internets definition — â€Å"beauty is a combination of qualities, such as shape, color, or form, that pleases the aesthetic senses, especially the sight.† The definition itself allows anyone to mistakenly interpret the word â€Å"beauty† to determineRead MoreSocial Media s Influence On Society920 Words   |  4 PagesPersonally, I have always been a little late to the social media game. By the time I get the most popular form of social media, a newer, better version has been released. The first form of social media that I ever encountered was a website in 2006 called Club Penguin, where people could create penguins to represent themselves and go chat with any other penguin online at the time. While this isn’t what we think of as a social media website today, it had some similar aspects, especially in terms ofRead MoreFacebook s Influence On Social Media Essay1736 Words   |  7 Pagespervasive social media platforms by offering users a wide variety of features free of charge. In western countries, almost everyone knows what Facebook is, or knows someone on the social media website. However, what users fail to recognise is they are compromising their personal data for the purpose of advertising. The raises the main concern of exploitation through Facebook’s advertising techniques, alongside issues of privacy and self-obsession. In the early days of the World Wide Web, many social mediaRead MoreFacebook s Influence On Social Media1549 Words   |  7 PagesWith rapid advancements in technology, social media has become more accessible to people allowing them to spend a great amount of time on social media. Types of social media include Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, Instagram, and Tumblr. However, it wasn’t long before Facebook became one of the most used types of social media compared to others with about 1.15 billion users (Crowell 11). Reasons as to why Facebook has become more popular include that it allows people to do many things such as postingRead MoreSocial Media s Influence On Hate Crime1348 Words   |  6 Pagesare provoking hate, and crime-politics is the second burning issue that results in disorder in the nation. The media outlets and social networks which are located abroad are never claimed for disorder by the laws and regulations of the victim nation or ethnic group. Unfortunately, it i s hard to know in advance whether a conflict will be gradual or sudden. â€Å"The Internet and social media networks are not under any sort of inspection against racist ideas, hate or abusive speech in the name of freedom

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Kumon Educational Institute - 1244 Words

Final Case Study – Kumon Educational Institute USA Upon careful review and analysis of the current situation of the Kumon Institute USA it is clear that there are several problems that should be addressed in order for Kumon Institute to succeed in the US market. Although Kumon has been in existence in the US for 10 years now, you have still not implemented a corporate global strategy which will allow for success in the US. You’re currently operating in the same manner as is the Japanese operations, and as a result the same business level strategy that worked in Japan will not provide the same results in the US. Any company seeking expansion at the multinational level must implement a strategy based on analysis of the local†¦show more content†¦To date Kumon has operated with the program unchanged from the Japanese business model and this is clearly not conducive to the US educational system. The US educational system is a much more rewards based system used to motivate the students to work and to improve the students self discipline therefore, if Kumon is indeed determined to grow market share outside of the Asian American culture it will be important to understand what works to motivate and encourage self discipline here in the US. In addition, the change to family culture necessary for the Kumon program’s success should also be considered with the consultant as this is an area where commitment is hard to maintain due to different lifestyles, whereby both parents often work long hours outside the home and will have a difficult time committing to the demands placed on them by the Kumon program. Depending on the direction determined, for example will Kumon focus on just the Asian population, or will they conduct a full national campaign. So, now in place is a vision and strategy, so in order to make this vision reality Kumon must implement the strategy through the use of marketing and advertising campaign that will build awareness of Kumon, appeal to it’s target consu mer. In addition, they should focus on gaining the respect of local teachers so that they can assist in word of mouth campaign. With that in mind, IShow MoreRelatedNegotiation and Culture: Case Study24152 Words   |  97 Pagesinteresting theory stated by Kumon Shumpei, a Japanese anthropologist, characterizes Japanese as contextualists rather than collectivists, as is the case in both Hofstede and Hall’s studies. A contextualist retains a personal identity, which the collectivist probably loses, but this personal identity is virtually inseparable from the contextual identity. Thus, the individual changes, depending on the context he is in or the people he is with. One of the arguments Kumon makes to support the theory

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Transaction Costs And The Sharing Economy -Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Discuss About The Transaction Costs And The Sharing Economy? Answer: Introduction Sharing economy refers to all sorts of social and economic activity involving the online transactions. Online transactions are an open source community where sharing of access to goods and services takes place on peer-to-peer basis. The phrase "sharing economy" started to trend in the beginning of 2000s, when the factors like Recession, new social technologies, increase in the global population growth and resource depletion had led new business structures to emerge.(Hamari, Sjklint and Ukkonen 2016). In this economy, the trancations are made over the internet resulting in reduction in the transaction cost. Companies like Uber, Airbnb and many more are evolving as the most suitable service providers at present. Uber provides transportation services and through Airbnb, one can book hotels and rental rooms in any part of the world sitting at a particular location. Network Effect and Transaction Cost The network effect is the phenomenon where the number of user of a particular good or service is increased day by day and the value commodity to its customer increases. The rise of the internet along with the craze for the social media has made a platform of network effect, through which one can get service through just a touch of a button (Boudreau and Jeppesen 2015). Transaction cost or substation effect on the other hand refers to the cost that is incurred to enter into a transaction. It includes all the indirect cost attached to obtain the good or the service. Expenses like communication fees, legal charges, and informational cost are termed under transaction cost Reflection on the network effect and transaction cost of the Sharing Economy The evolution of the various online applications and social media led to the rise of sharing economy. One can get the service at any time and at any place just by opening the website. The variety of service provided and along with the quality of service is much better than the regular markets (Telles 2016) The transaction cost included in the sharing economy is low, as it does not include any expenditure other than the internet charges. The network effect of the sharing industry like the Uber and Airbnb is rising tremendously at present. Uber provide transport facilities at the doorstep with affordable rates. Similarly, due to no transaction cost, Airbnb offers cheap hotel rates cost ranges from 30%-60% less than usual traditional room rates in the hotel industries across the world, making them reach the peak. The Airbnb model in numerous ways diversifies the usual trends of the traditional hotel industries (Haywood 2016). The different companies at present are adapting this new online technology and are facing a huge competition with the sharing industry and thus providing goods and services easily to the customers through online applications. It has been observed that the consumer satisfaction and the network effect is high in case of these industries. A rational consumer will always take the advantage of the low cost and easily available service rather than the spending more on the transaction cost (Hansen and Windekilde 2016). Booking flights, shopping, hotels and even transport at door steeps are available online. Due to globalization, one can easily obtain any service or good easily from any location. The world has become smaller and life has become easier due to this network of industries. Moreover, the number of options available is more as there is a huge variety of display in the websites of the companies. To elaborate more on the network effect and the transaction cost of these sharing industry I would like to narrate an own experience while I was returning from Muscat for some official work. I missed my late night flight and there was no flight available to my home within 24 hours. I have no relatives at Muscat and there was limited cash available with me. I had no idea where to go and spend the night in such a secluded area near the airport. The nearby hotels available were too costly. Therefore, I decided to use the airbnb for rooms for the first time. Immediately after opening the app from my phone, I got a list of good number of hotels nearby. The ones that were out of my reach in terms of rates were also offering lodging at affordable price through Airbnb. These industries have links with the hotels and provide the service to its users at their rates. Restaurants were also available along with the hotels. Since then I have been a regular user of the Airbnb where I get all types luxury rooms at friendly rates and in every location. Traveling has now become hustle free and economical. Without any transaction, cost just by clicking a button, rooms, flights and hospitality service is available online. Life has become easy because of this wide networking of the sharing economy. Conclusion There is a tremendous rise in the network effect and growth rate of the sharing economy; the regulators in countries across the world are facing several new challenges due to the uniqueness of the sharing economy. These sectors have an inherent motive to encourage a competition that would eventfully lead to innovation, better quality products along with services at lower price due to minimization of transaction cost. References Hamari, J., Sjklint, M. and Ukkonen, A., 2016. The sharing economy: Why people participate in collaborative consumption.Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology,67(9), pp.2047-2059. Haywood, J., 2016, October 11. New Airbnb data sheds light on 13 global markets. Hotel News Now, p.1. Retrieved February 16, 2017 Telles, R. J., 2016. Digital Matching Firms : A New Definition in the Sharing Economy Space. ESA Issue Brief, (0116), 127. Retrieved February 16, 2017, Boudreau, K.J. and Jeppesen, L.B., 2015. Unpaid crowd complementors: The platform network effect mirage.Strategic Management Journal,36(12), pp.1761-1777. Hansen Henten, A. and Maria Windekilde, I., 2016. Transaction costs and the sharing,18(1), pp.1-15.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Maggie A Girl Of The Streets Essays - Maggie A Girl Of The Streets

Maggie: A Girl Of The Streets Maggie and Jimmie are two siblings being raised within the slums of New York City in the Stephen Crane novel; Maggie: A Girl of the Streets. The parents of these two are constantly fighting as broken furniture and fistfights are an everyday occurance in the decrepid family apartment. The mother and father fight while their children hide frightened as There was a clash against the door and something broke into clattering fragments .... (Jimmie) heard howls and curses, groans and shrieks, confusingly in chorus as if a battle were raging (11). Crane exxagerates the furniture destruction as every night when the two parents battle, seemingly all the furniture in the apartment is destroyed. Obviously, this poor family couldn't afford to fix and/or buy new furniture everyday. This then is the environment that Maggie and Jimmie struggle with throughout the novel, but both respond to in opposite ways. Maggie dreams of a better life than of her roots while Jimmie excepts his roots and becomes nihilistic. However, the hope of Maggie sadly goes unfulfilled. Maggie is introduced into the storyline quite subtle and quickly becomes the main focus of attention by the other three main characters. From the beginning, Maggie is a harsh contrast to the slum environment she has to endure. She blossomed in a mud puddle ... a most rare and wonderful production of a tenement district, a pretty girl (16) that not only had the physical beauty that her family seemed to lack, but also the hope that she could be better than what was around in her environment. Therefore, the slum environment that surrounds her contrasts her character greatly. None of the dirt of Rum Alley was in her veins (16) as she became the talk of numerous males in the neighborhood. Pete; an acquaintance of Jimmie, became Maggie's infatuation. They meet when Pete is called to the Johnson apartment by Jimmie after Pete promised to attend a boxing match with him. Although only a bartender, Maggie finds Pete as a man of personal superiority (17) that is capable of providing her with any dream she desires. She views the contrast between Pete and her environment when: The broken furniture, grimy walls, and general disorder and dirt of her home all of a sudden appeared before her and began to take a potential aspect. Pete's aristocratic person looked as if it might soil. She looked keenly at him, occasionally, wondering if he was feeling contempt .... Maggie perceived that here was the beau ideal of a man. (19) Therefore, Pete is the infatuation of Maggie because she has never known anything or anyone better than of her environment. Pete; although somewhat sly and charming, isn't the best that Maggie could do. However, a rather normal hustler such as Pete is practically god-like compared to her rotten state of life. In the above quote, Crane hints in Maggie's lack of self-confidence. Although Maggie does have hope to exit the slums, she is embarrased by the condition in which she lives as she fears that Pete is looking at her with contempt. Once Pete notices Maggie he doesn't waste anytime in taking her out on the town. An average night for them is watching an entertainment of many hues and many melodies (21) and other various performance acts. Maggie grows more feelings for him after wining and dining around all the local dinner halls and concerts. Pete continues to impress upon Maggie at these outings as she begins to conger visions of Pete having some half dozen women in love with him .... he must live in a blare of pleasure. He had friends and people who were afraid of him (21). Her hopes of an extravagant life grow rapidly while with Pete. This relationship builds to the point where Maggie decides to move out of her family apartment and in with Pete. Not that Maggie can be blamed for wishing this as even after the death of the father, Jimmie and the mother still bicker and break furniture as Jimmie had grown large enough to take the vague position of head of the family (17). Jimmie virtually replaces his father at this point in the novel as he stumbled